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About Your Boudoir Shoot.

Fun, Empowering, Liberating, Confidence Building

There are so many reasons to gift yourself the magic of a Boudoir Shoot. The above are just a few but over the years I have had my clients give me many reasons, mostly positive but yes, some were even negative, however I always managed to turn those around into a positive and truly enjoyable experience for them.

So, Why Book a Boudoir Shoot

Why Not?!!

A Boudoir session is like Bungee Jumping, a truly amazing exciting and liberating experience but best of all the fun part lasts longer than those seconds of a bungee jump and the pictures are way better than that one shot of you looking terrified.

(though maybe not as funny)


So what is holding you back?


Ok, Ok, so perhaps you aren‘t an extrovert who spends her weekends on nude beaches enjoying every bit of attention you get (or maybe you are!!).

I get that and if you have never done anything like this before it is a bit scary and you have every right to be nervous but read on and I will show you why so many normal women just like you choose to do this anyway



When was the last time you did something really adventurous?


Boudoir and Nude shoots are truly daring and exciting, especially for first timers. So yes, I do expect you to be a little nervous to start with and thats ok.

You will soon get over that as you start to realise you are actually having fun, being the star of the show and you are the star no doubt about that. It seems also that this might be just a little addictive as I have had many ladies come back more than once, with 11 times being the record as of early 2024.

So give yourself a reward for just being you, you truly do deserve it.

Have a manicure and pedicure, get your hair done, and even your makeup, feel special and then let me do my magic with the camera and capture you in all your glory.



Empower Growth

You have seen some indoor images so far but how daring do you want to be?

Why don't we take your shoot outdoors and make it a little different, more exciting and even more unique.


Shooting outdoors is very different to shooting indoors. To start with it is more daring knowing that it is possible we might get caught. That said I do tend to prefer locations where "Getting Caught" is very unlikely but I have even done a nude shoot in Kings Park for one girl. We got caught by 2 older ladies who simply smiled and said "Beautiful" as they walked on by.

Another time at Lancelin we were interrupted by a trucker on a quad bike. The 2 girls I was shooting with did some shots with him he will treasure forever then we sent him on his way.

So yes, getting caught is possible and though I try very hard to make sure it doesn't happen, if it does then lets make it a positive event.




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Do something Exciting

So lets break you out of your comfort zone.

Stop looking in that mirror and tearing yourself apart. Let me show you how beautiful you truly are!!


It's a fun experience where you have the chance to celebrate being beautiful. Discover the sexy that's been hiding within you all along.


Just remember, good things never come from holding back! So lets show that someone out there who believes in you that you believe in yourself with powerful, out-of-this-world photos that will have you truly amazed.



It's Just a Decision Away

So now it is up to you.

Feel free to contact me and ask any questions as that is a very important part of what you need to do before booking a Boudoir or Nude Photo Session.


I am definitely not a salesman, I am here to help you make the decision that is right for you.

Maybe you are just curious, thats fine, talk to me.

Perhaps you are very interested in doing this now but are a bit nervous about having a Male Photographer. I can redirect you if so. Or maybe the whole idea is exciting but you want to be a High Court Judge or Prime Minister one day. You should still be allowed to live life your way if it isn't hurting anyone and we can talk about what is right for you even if it is total privacy of your images.

Some of my clients do require total privacy and I understand that. From my side I can guarantee that all my images are firewalled and encrypted.

You may be excited about sharing your images but want to do it anonymously. I can help you with that in several ways from the way I photograph you to editing tricks.  

Now it's up to you to take that first step.

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